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[Séminaire MigrAsie] »Indian Women Life Stories in Japan »

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[Séminaire MigrAsie] »Indian Women Life Stories in Japan »

14 novembre 14:00 16:00 CET

Indian Women Life Stories in Japan

Projection du documentaire “Finding their niche : unheard stories of migrant women (2023), suivie du débat avec la chercheuse-réalisatrice. 

With : Megha Wadhwa (Research Associate at Free University of Berlin, and a visiting fellow at Sophia University, Tokyo)
Chair : Aki Yoshida (chercheuse associée à l’IFRAE et docteure en littérature japonaise)
Discutant : Laure Sizaire (post-doctorante au Laboratoire d’Anthropologie des Mondes Contemporains, Université Libre de Bruxelles, et fellow de l’Institut Convergences Migrations)

“Finding their niche : unheard stories of migrant women“, 2023
An hour-long film documents the life of two Indian women migrants who moved to Japan more than a decade ago as trailing spouses. The women were excited to move to a foreign country and to be with their husbands, but they had no prior knowledge of Japan. Having witnessed at a distance the lives of their relatives settled in the US, UK, and Canada, they had similar expectations for their own future lives in Japan. But the reality was to prove different from the expectation. Through personal narratives told by the women, we examine past, present and future expectations and see how these affect their roles as Indian women, wives, mothers, and workers in a foreign country, as well as the challenges they faced in ‘Finding their Niche’.


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65 rue des Grands Moulins
Paris, 75013 France
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