Dans le cadre de son 50e anniversaire, le Centre de recherches sur le Japon a le plaisir de vous inviter à la conférence exceptionnelle de

Kaori KATADA 堅田香緒里, Associate Professor à l’Université Hōsei
Neoliberal reforms of Anti-Poverty Policy in Japan:
implications of ‘independence support’
26 janvier 2023, 13:00-15:00
Salle 385-387, Bâtiment de l’EHESS, Campus Condorcet
2 cours des Humanités, 93300 Aubervilliers

“There have been many neo-liberal reforms of modern welfare states since the 1980s. Although deregulation and decentralization have led to the privatization of various public welfare services, since the logic of welfare is generally incompatible with markets, it is difficult to fully supply welfare services through a market economy alone. Because of this, “quasi-markets” have gradually formed as places for the provision of welfare services, through the “citizen welfare” of NGOs, NPOs and other organizations. In recent years, “citizen welfare” is even tied to new policy trends such as the emphasis on regional roles and the “participation” of citizens.” – Kaori Katada

Contact : crj@ehess.fr