“New capitalism”, redistribution, and industrial policies: Shall we expect a major turn in economic policies under Prime Minister Kishida?

Monday 17 January 2022
9.00 – 10.30 (France) | 17.00 – 18.30 (Japan) 
Online via Zoom | In English
Registration: https://forms.gle/ndukkNeBoSCXiEV99 
Contact: events_ffj@ehess.fr

During the campaign for the general election for the renewal of the House of Representatives in October 2021, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has advocated his vision of “new capitalism” that ought to be promoted in Japan. In short, this implies – though the notion still needs clarifying and is currently discussed within several government bodies – to implement a new regime of growth through redistribution of income and wealth. At the same time, Prime Minister Kishida has emphasized the notion of economic security and appointed a minister in charge of this issue, Mr. Takayuki Kobayashi, in order to deal with problems related to supply chains, which have conspicuously arisen since the beginning of the COVID crisis. The response to a problem felt globally may lead to a revival of industrial policies.

As a whole, the preliminary discussion on the new economic policies under Prime Minister Kishida seems to indicate a possible turn, especially with respect to Abenomics, which has aroused the interest of many circles across the world. How coherent are these economic policies? What are their goals? What are the chances that they are effectively implemented? By whom are they supported? Are they a proper answer to the new challenges faced by the Japanese economy in the post-COVID crisis context, when some inflationary pressures seem to be at work on the global scale?

These are some of the questions that will be addressed by leading experts in our roundtable organized by the Fondation France-Japon de l’EHESS (FFJ).
