Dans le cadre du séminaire EHESS Sciences et savoirs de l’Asie orientale dans la mondialisation (co-organisé par Catherine Jami, Huiyi Wu et Bing Zhao), le Professeur Ryuji HIRAOKA (Université de Kyoto) donnera une conférence intitulée :

“Exploring Cosmology with a Clockwork Astronomical Model :
A Public Scientific Lecture in 18th Century Japan”
Mercredi 8 novembre à 10h30
Campus Condorcet, bâtiment Recherche Nord, Salle 0.007,93300 Aubervilliers

Lien Zoom de connexion :
ID de réunion : 960 4192 5514
Code secret : 0uR55V


This talk investigates an 18th-century public cosmology lecture in Japan that employed a clock-driven astronomical model. In his book published in 1720, Minamoto Keian, a Shintoist residing in Kyoto, introduced a spherical model called Santengi 三天儀 (Three luminaries instrument), claiming it accurately simulated the sun and moon’s motions via clockwork. After his death, the instrument found a home at a Buddhist temple in the city, where annual exhibitions featuring it, along with cosmology lectures for the general public, were held during winter solstices. A recently discovered manuscript offers detailed insights into these lectures and audience queries. The talk analyzes the lecture’s content and explores its significance in the early modern history of East Asian Science.
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