La prochaine séance du cycle de conférences 2023-2024 intitulé « Productions et pratiques culturelles du Japon contemporain » (Population japonaise, CRCAO-IFRAE) se déroulera en ligne le lundi 25 mars 2024 de 10h à 12h30 (heure française).

Le résumé est disponible ci-dessous.

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Musique ambient et représentations de l’environnement urbain japonais/ Ambient music and representations of the Japanese urban environment

Matthew James (School of Oriental and African Studies) : Toshi Kankyō Ongaku: Visions of Nature in Urban Environmental Music

Résumé :
During Japan’s economic boom of the 1980s, a generation of composers explored visions of a future urbanism where ambient media might harmonise the sounds of the city with the everyday life of its citizens. Like the Metabolist movement had done with urban architecture, several Japanese ambient composers saw the natural world as a model for thinking about organicism within music. While some added field recordings to their compositions as a means of providing calm and sonic healing for a burnt-out urban workforce, others sought to model biological processes of flow and adaptation within their music. Using cutting-edge technology to explore the relationship between artificial and natural environments through sound, this work remains deeply relevant to an increasingly digitally mediated present. This talk will explore the different ways kankyō ongaku composers engage with themes of nature and urban living. 

Kenjirô Muramatsu (Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3) :  Hosono Haruomi’s turn to ambient music in the 1980s: “Down to the earth” from mise en abîme to resetting the urban environment
Résumé : 
Guided by religious anthropologist Nakazawa Shin’ichi (1951-) as an intellectual companion, Hosono sought to deconstruct Tokyo’s symbolic universe, which he had previously created as ‘Technopolis’ with YMO (Yellow Magic Orchestra), and restore its vital and spiritual energy.
For the seminar, I will discuss the period when he turned towards ambient music and post-YMO. This includes some of his major autobiographical writings from around this turning point (1979, 1988, 2016), as well as some writings by Nakazawa, who had a decisive influence on the musician during this period (1983, 1985).

Discutant : Cyrian Pitteloud (Université de Lille)