[Conférence] “La constitutionnalité de la peine de mort au Japon. Une comparaison avec la France quarante ans après son abolition” (24 mai 2022, 14h)

La constitutionnalité de la peine de mort au Japon. 
Une comparaison avec la France quarante ans après son abolition

par Haruna IKEDA,
professeure de droit constitutionnel à l’Université Kindaï (Osaka, Japon)

Conférence organisée par la Section Japon Société de législation comparée.

Date : Mardi 24 mai 2022 à 14h

Lieu : Société de législation comparée, Amphithéâtre (1er étage) 28 rue Saint-Guillaume
75007 Paris

La conférence est gratuite et accessible à tous, avec inscription préalable obligatoire auprès de Madame Emmanuelle Bouvier avant le 23 mai : emmanuelle.bouvier[at]legiscompare.com
Un lien de connexion sera transmis après inscription.

Poster de l’événement

[Conférence] “Last Resort: Hospitality and Survival in Rural Japan” (Rendez-vous du Japon contemporain de l’EHESS, 18 mai 2022, 11h-13)

Dans le cadre des Rendez-vous du Japon Contemporain, le Centre de recherches sur le Japon a le plaisir de vous inviter à la conférence :

Last Resort: Hospitality and Survival in Rural Japan
Chris McMORRAN (National University of Singapore)

Mercredi 18 mai 2022 11h -13h
Salle 3.01, Centre de Colloques du Campus Condorcet, Aubervilliers.

La séance aura lieu uniquement en présentiel.


[Conférence] “Escaping from Haole Domination: Japanese Migrants from Hawai’i to Nan’yo”(Global Japon, 19 mai 2022, 13h-15h)

Dans le cadre du Global Japon(s), le Centre de recherches sur le Japon a le plaisir de vous inviter à la conférence :

Escaping from Haole Domination: Japanese Migrants from Hawai’i to Nan’yo

Mariko IIJIMA (Sophia University)

Jeudi 19 mai 2022, 13h-15h
Salle AS1_24, EHESS, 54 boulevard Raspail 75006 Paris

La séance aura lieu uniquement en présentiel. Merci de vous inscrire par email afin de recevoir les documents préalables à la discussion.


[Conférence] “Être journaliste au Japon” (MCJP, samedi 14 mai, 14h-15h30)

La Maison de la culture du Japon à Paris vous invite à assister à la conférence “Être journaliste au Japon”, organisée demain, samedi 14 mai à 14h, qui donnera l’occasion à César Castellvi de présenter son ouvrage Le dernier empire de la presse – Une Sociologie du journalisme au Japon, paru chez CNRS Éditions en début d’année, avant de discuter avec la journaliste Leiko Sakurada, directrice du bureau parisien de l’agence Jiji Press, de ce que signifie faire carrière dans les médias nippons, de la condition des femmes dans les rédactions et de l’avenir d’une industrie qui fait face à de nombreux défis. 

La discussion sera animée par Hitoshi Suzuki, président de la Maison de la culture du Japon à Paris, qui a consacré sa carrière au journalisme au sein de la chaîne nationale japonaise, la NHK.
L’entrée est gratuite. Vous pouvez réserver votre place sur la page suivante : https://www.mcjp.fr/fr/agenda/etre-journaliste-au-japon

Contact : e.brena[at]mcjp.fr

[Conférences] Séance du groupe d’étude de philosophie japonaise (samedi 28 mai 2022)

Groupe d’étude de philosophie japonaise 

(Institut français de recherche sur l’Asie de l’Est, Inalco / Université de Paris-Cité / CNRS, F-75013 Paris)

Samedi 28 mai 2022, vidéoconférences sur Zoom 

    14h – 14h45 suivie de discussion d’une demie heure  


   « Expérience pure de NISHIDA et expérience directe de MOTORA : la structure double de la psychè héritée de la Talité du Traité sur l’acte de foi dans le Grand Véhicule.» 

    15h20 – 16h05 suivie de discussion d’une demie heure 

Raphaël PIERRES (Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne )

« Décentrer la première personne : WATSUJI Tetsurô, ÔMORI Shôzô et SAKABE Megumi ».

    16H40 : la fin de séance 

Pour le lien Zoom, prière de contacter : takako.saito[at]inalco.fr  à partir du 24 mai 22

Résumé des conférences en version PDF

Conférence (Kyoto lectures de l’EFEO) / “Between Collective Security and “Old Diplomacy”: Japanese-French Relations during the Manchurian Crisis, 1931–1933″(16 mai 2022, 18h Heures de Tokyo)

École Francaise d’Extrême-Orient EFEO

Scuola Italiana di Studi sull’Asia Orientale ISEAS


Monday, May 16th, 18:00 JST

co-hosted by Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University 

Between Collective Security and “Old Diplomacy”: Japanese-French Relations during the Manchurian Crisis, 1931–1933

Speaker: Seung-young Kim

After establishing Manchukuo in March 1932, Japan made strenuous efforts to persuade France to conclude an alliance by revitalizing the French-Japanese entente of 1907. In particular, Japan wished to overcome its diplomatic isolation before the Lytton Report was discussed in the League of Nations during autumn 1932. To this effect, Japanese diplomats and military attaches suggested favorable investment conditions for the French companies in Manchukuo. However, France declined these offers to prioritize collective security, despite substantial sympathy toward Japan in the French Foreign Ministry over concerns to protect French imperial interests in China and Southeast Asia.

Drawing on records from both sides, this talk will show the aims, details, and process of Japanese diplomatic initiatives along with the French response. After briefly reviewing the initial division within the French Foreign Ministry over its response to the Mukden Incident, it will examine Japanese diplomatic maneuvers toward France from the spring of 1932, as well as the reasons why they were declined by the French cabinet led respectively by André Tardieu and Édouard Herriot.  The talk will also explore why the French government internally defined Japan’s military actions and assertive diplomacy as posing a “problem of aggression.” 

Seung-young Kim is a Professor of International History and Politics at Kansai Gaidai University. Before joining Kansai Gaidai in 2018, from 2003 he taught at the University of Sheffield and the University of Aberdeen. He has published widely on U.S.-East Asian relations in the twentieth century.  Since 2019, he has been working on a JSPS research project entitled “Japanese-French Diplomatic Relations from 1900 to 1933.” He was a visiting researcher at the University of Tokyo from 2008–2010 and worked as the UN correspondent for The Chosun Ilbo until 1995. His publications include “The Diplomacy of the Japanese-French Entente and Fukien Question, 1905–1907,” in International History Review (2019).

This lecture will be held on site (limited space: send us an email in advance) and via Zoom. 

The meeting link will remain posted on the ISEAS website or the EFEO blog from May 14.



École Francaise d’Extrême-Orient (EFEO) 
Italian School of East Asian Studies (ISEAS) 
Phone: 075-701-0882 
Fax: 075-701-0883

e-mail: efeo.kyoto@gmail.com


Phone: 075-703-3015

Fax: 075-701-0883

e-mail: info.iseas@iseas-kyoto.org

Conférence / “Du populisme au Japon : quoi de neuf ?” (Séminaire Groupe d’Etude sur le Politique au Japon, jeudi 28 avril 2022, 10h-12h)

Le Groupe d’Étude sur le Politique au Japon organise une nouvelle séance de son séminaire qui aura lieu jeudi 28 avril 2022, de 10h à 12h, autour de la présentation suivante :

“Du populisme au Japon : quoi de neuf ?”
Tōru YOSHIDA (professeur à l’université Dōshisha)

Le séminaire est ouvert à toutes et à tous.

Attention, cette séance se tiendra uniquement en ligne (via ZOOM). 

Veuillez contacter Xavier Mellet (mellet[at]aoni.waseda.jp) pour le lien d’accès.

Les enregistrements vidéos des séances précédentes sont accessibles en ligne :

Les organisateurs : 
Ioan Trifu
Arnaud Grivaud
Xavier Mellet 

Poster de la conférence

Conférence /”Current situation and future challenges of diversity and inclusion in Japan” (Axe travail du groupe Populations Japonaises, 10 mai 2022, 10h-12h)

La prochaine manifestation du cycle de conférences 2021-2022 organisé par l’Axe travail du groupe de recherche Populations Japonaises (CRCAO-IFRAE) aura lieu en ligne le mardi 10 mai 2022, de 10h à 12h (heure de Paris).

(Université de Yokohama)

– Current situation and future challenges of diversity and inclusion in Japan –

Mardi 10 mai 2022, 10h-12h (en ligne)

Pour y participer, merci de contacter les organisateurs.

Contact : 
César Castellvi : cesar.castellvi[at]u-paris.fr 
Julien Martine : julien.martine[at]u-paris.fr 


The study discusses current situation and future challenges of diversity and inclusion in Japan. Diversity represents all the ways people are unlike and alike; differences and similarities in age, gender, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, capabilities, and socioeconomic background. Gardenswartz and Rowe (2003) develop the concept of diversity and identify a ‘diversity wheel’. It includes dimensions that exist as internal, external and organizational layers around personality. Shore et al. (2011) define inclusion as the degree to which an employee perceives that he or she is an esteemed member of the work group through experiencing treatment that satisfies his or her needs for belongingness and uniqueness.

First, the study focuses on female researchers in Japan from the perspective of diversity and inclusion. The ratio of female researchers in Japan, at 16.9%, is the lowest among OECD countries and the ratio of female professors, at 17.8%, is also very low. Based on the analysis of the data obtained through the survey, the study discusses the reasons for the low ratio of female researchers and the low ratio of female researchers in leading positions in Japanese academia. It then considers what remedial action should be taken to improve the situation. The study suggests that academia should be able to introduce more creative perspectives, increase flexibility, and achieve inclusive growth leading to more sustainable development by promoting female researcher advancement from the perspective of diversity and inclusion.

Second, the study focuses on employment of people with disabilities in Japan from the perspective of diversity and inclusion. The number of people with disabilities in Japan is 9,635,000, which is 7.6% of the population. However, the number of people with disabilities in regular employment who are working in regular firms in Japan is only 597,786 in 2021, which means that their actual employment rate is 2.2 %. The number with physical disabilities in regular employment is 359,067.5, the number of with intellectual disabilities is 140,665 and the number with mental disabilities is 98,053.5. As such, only 47.0 % of regular firms in Japan attained the 2.3 % disabled employment quota required by law in 2021. Therefore, the employment challenges of the disabled are very severe, even though a quota system for the employment of people with disabilities exists in Japan.

Finally, current situation and future challenges of diversity and inclusion in Japan are examined and considered. To conclude, best practices of the collaboration among companies, university and government are suggested in order to actualize diversity and inclusion in Japan.

Dr. Shiho Futagami is a Professor at the Graduate School of International Social Sciences of Yokohama National University. She holds the degree of Doctor of Economics from Kyoto University. She is a Member of Science Council of Japan. She has been a visiting Professor at the University of Zurich, the International Labour Organization (ILO), Wissenschaftliche Hochschule für Unternehmensführung (WHU), Bordeaux École de Management (BEM) and the Kedge Business School. Her research topics include strategic human resource management, diversity management, disability management, career development and women in management. Prof. Dr. Futagami has had many books and articles published in Japan, the United States and Europe.

Conférence (Kyoto lectures de l’EFEO) / “De-Christianizing Nagasaki: Temples and Shrines in the Early Edo period” (vendredi 13 avril 2022, 18h – HdT)

École Francaise d’Extrême-Orient EFEO

Scuola Italiana di Studi sull’Asia Orientale ISEAS


Wednesday, April 13th, 18:00 JST

co-hosted by Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University 

De-Christianizing Nagasaki: Temples and Shrines in the Early Edo period

Speaker: Carla Tronu

After the Tokugawa shogunate banned Christianity in Japan in 1614, several anti-Christian measures were implemented, but not in all domains, and not at the same time or speed. Substantial regional variations can be seen regarding when these actions began, as well as regarding their methods and development. In the process, the establishment (or re-establishment) of temples and shrines was an important move in areas where Christianization had involved iconoclasm. This was the case in the territories of the Omura and Arima daimyo, and especially in the self-governed city of Nagasaki.

This talk will focus on early measures concerned with religious institutions: specifically, the dismantlement of churches and the founding of temples and shrines. Previous scholarship on operations to eradicate the Christian presence in Nagasaki has thoroughly studied the many martyrs that lost their lives there, as well as the shifts in the anti-Christian legislation and the methods of persecution adopted. However, as will be argued, in the early Edo period (1614–1644), the support for new religious buildings and rituals by the shogunate and the local authorities also played a key role in the process of transforming Nagasaki from a “Christian city” into a “normal” Japanese Shinto-Buddhist town.

Carla Tronu is an Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages, Kansai University of Foreign Studies. After she received her PhD in history at SOAS, University of London in 2012, she conducted postdoctoral research on missionary publications in Japan (kirishitan-ban) and the martyrs of Japan at Tenri University, Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture, and Kyoto University. She is currently the Principal Investigator of a project on lay confraternities and missionary rivalry in the early modern Japanese mission. She has published articles and book chapters in English, Japanese, and Spanish, and is currently preparing a monograph on the Christianization and de-Christianization of early modern Nagasaki.

This lecture will be held on site (limited space: send us an email in advance) and via Zoom.

The meeting link will remain posted on the ISEAS website or the EFEO blog from April 11.



Conférence /“Harvesting State Support: Japan’s Agriculture in Transition” (Séminaire Groupe d’Etude sur le Politique au Japon, jeudi 31 mars 2022, 10h-12h)

Le Groupe d’Étude sur le Politique au Japon organise une nouvelle séance de son séminaire qui aura lieu jeudi 31 mars, de 10h à 12h, autour de la présentation suivante :

“Harvesting State Support: Japan’s Agriculture in Transition” par Hanno Jentzsch (Maître de conférences, Université de Vienne)

L’affiche de la séance est téléchargeable ici.

Le séminaire est ouvert à toutes et à tous.

Il se tiendra en hybride :

  • À l’Université de Paris, 5 rue Thomas Mann 75013, en Salle 481C (Grands Moulins)
  • Et via ZOOM : veuillez contacter arnaud.grivaud[at]u-paris.fr pour le lien d’accès

Les enregistrements vidéos des séances précédentes sont accessibles en ligne :

Les organisateurs :
Ioan Trifu
Arnaud Grivaud
Xavier Mellet