Conférence / “Studying Women and Networks in the Late Tokugawa Period. The Case of the Rai Family”, Bettina Gramlich-Oka, EFEO (23 avril 2021, 11h heure de Paris / 18h heure de Tokyo)

L’EFEO/ISEAS Kyoto organise régulièrement des événements académiques (conférences, journées d’étude).

Les activités du centre figurent sur l’agenda de l’EFEO qui est consultable en ligne (, sur notre page Facebook ( ou sur le site de la Scuola italiana di studi sull’asia orientale (ISEAS ;

Une conférence est au programme en avril. Elle se tiendra uniquement en ligne.

Ces événements sont ouverts à tous. N’hésitez pas à transmettre l’information à vos étudiants et collègues. 

Kyoto lectures : 

– Bettina Gramlich-Oka (université Sophia) présente la conférence : Studying Women and Networks in the Late Tokugawa Period. The Case of the Rai Family

Vendredi 23 avril à 18h (heure du Japon) sur la plateforme Zoom. Kyoto Lectures: Studying Women and Networks in the Late Tokugawa Period | Facebook

Le lien ainsi que le mot de passe permettant de se connecter seront affichés sur le blog du Centre de Kyōto et sur le site internet de l’ISEAS la veille de la conférence (le 22 donc).

Conférence / “Vers une microhistoire du catholicisme japonais : sources croisées sur le fief de Shimabara (c. 1625-1630)”, (Séminaire Kyūshū, 19 mars 2021 10h-12h)

Dans le cadre de la prochaine séance du séminaire Kyūshū qui se tiendra le vendredi 19 mars 2021 de 10h à 12hMartin Nogueira Ramos (EFEO), fera une présentation intitulée Vers une microhistoire du catholicisme japonais : sources croisées sur le fief de Shimabara (c. 1625-1630).

La conférence aura lieu via Zoom. Elle est ouverte à tout.e et étudiant.e intéressé.e. Si vous n’avez jamais assisté au séminaire et si vous souhaitez assister à la séance, merci de vous signaler auprès des organisateurs.

Contact :
Annick Horiuchi (
Pierre-Emmanuel Roux (

Colloque / Beyond the Southern Barbarians: repositioning Japan in the First global age : International Online Symposium. February 2021

This international symposium explores Japan’s role in the “First Global Age” through a comprehensive and interdisciplinary investigation of its cultural, material, and intellectual production from about 1500 to 1700. The thematic focus lies on transcultural exchange and its related processes, such as shifting taxonomies and iconographies; translation, interpretation, and appropriation; re-evaluation and re-interpretation; and the construction of social biographies of moving objects.

A key goal is to advance the discussion beyond prevalent yet limiting models such as, for instance, a narrowly conceived, bilateral exchange between Iberia and Japan. Instead, this symposium aims to complicate and deepen our understanding of the complex amalgam of actors and trajectories of exchange by exploring the pre-existing cultural, political, and economic spaces of an “East Asian Mediterranean;” transfer routes via South and South-East Asia as well as the Americas; diasporas and hybrid communities; continuities, ruptures, and innovations in the conceptualization of self and other; and processes of mapping, labeling, and appropriation.

Researchers from top institutions around the world and from a wide disciplinary range will convene to bridge the classical humanities (history, art history, literature, religious studies, intellectual history) and history of science (astronomy, cartography). The aim is to find a balance between established and emerging scholars as well as between the academic cultures of Japan, Europe, and the Americas.

This symposium is co-organized and co-funded by Kyushu University’s Faculty of Humanities and Yale University’s Council of East Asian Studies.

• Sessions on five event days: February 6th, 9th, 11th, 16th, and 18th, 2021 (all dates are in Japanese Time).

• Information about pre-registration and participation via Zoom will be distributed about three weeks prior to the event.

• In the case of more than 500 pre-registrations, participants from academic institutions will be privileged.

• Contact: Prof. Dr. Anton Schweizer

Programme du colloque en anglais : ici. En japonais : ici.

Séminaire : Histoire du Japon moderne et contemporain (EHESS) – Jesuit Sources on the Imjin War: Introducing “Relação do fim e remate que teve a guerra da Corea” (3 décembre 2020 de 15h à 17h)

Le prochaine séance du séminaire « Histoire du Japon moderne et contemporain : dynamique et trajectoires d’une modernité » aura lieu le 3  décembre 2020 de 15h à 17h en ligne sur BigBlueButton.

Conférenciers : Giuseppe Marino and Rebekah Clements:

Titre de la conférence

Jesuit Sources on the Imjin War: Introducing Relação do fim e remate que teve a guerra da Corea

Abstract :
In this talk we will discuss a newly unearthed manuscript from the Marsden collection at the British Library. The Relação do fim e remate que teve a guerra da Corea, written by a Jesuit known as Francisco Rodriguez, offers insights into the final weeks of the Imjin War, and contains detailed information about negotiations for retreat, the course of various battles, and the practical application of military technology in the field.