M. John MARALDO, professeur émérite de l’université de North Florida, auteur de Japanese Philosophy in the Making 1: Crossing Paths with Nishida, et Philosophy in the Making 2 : Borderline Interrogations (Chisokudō Publications), donnera une conférence intitulée :
“The “Anthropocene” through the Lens of Nishida Kitarō’s Philosophy”
Samedi 23 septembre 2023, en présence et sur Zoom,
De 10h à 11h (heure de Paris), salle 5.01
65 rue des Grands Moulins, 75013 Paris
La conférence sera suivie d’une discussion d’une heure.
Pour le lien Zoom, prière de contacter : takako.saito@inalco.fr à partir du 20 septembre 2023
Contact courriel : takako.saito@inalco.fr, akinobukuroda@gmail.com, arthur.mitteau@univ-amu.fr, simon.ebersolt@gmail.com, yukiko.kuwayama@inalco.fr
The “Anthropocene” through the Lens of Nishida Kitarō’s Philosophy
Could it be that the ecological crisis named by the “Anthropocene” is only inflamed by our tendency to divide a human world from the world of nature? “Anthropocene” refers (unofficially) to the current geological era in which human activity has been the dominant influence on climate and the environment. The endangerment of earthly life it portends also points to an entanglement of ideas and actions with what we often refer to as “nature.” The philosophy of Nishida Kitarō, the most significant Japanese philosopher of the 20th-century, helps us both to unravel and to re-conjoin the implicated entanglements: to untangle the puzzling implications of a human-caused geological epoch, and to reconnect humans conceptually with the world. Nishida’s alternative conception of a world awakening through humans (and other sentient beings) offers a novel way to connect metaphysics to “real-world” problems. Nishida helps us understand the era we are co-creating, and the “Anthropocene” shows us the relevance of his philosophy